soya bean


The soybean (US) or soya bean (UK)  is a species of legume native to East Asia, widely grown for its edible bean which has numerous uses and recently has been successfully cultivated around the world. The plant is classed as an oilseed rather than a pulse by the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO).

Fat-free (defatted) soybean meal is a significant and cheap source of protein for animal feeds and many pre-packaged meals. It consists mainly of proteins and carbohydrates, and for this reason it contains an excellent amounts of dietary fibre, vitamins, and minerals. It also consists of a 20% of oil, which makes it the most important crop for producing edible oil.

About 85% of the world’s soybeans are processed, or "crushed," annually into soybean meal and oil.  Almost the whole soybean meal, that is crushed, is further processed into animal feed with the balance used to make soy flour and proteins. The soybean oil fraction is consumed as edible oil, as mentioned before, and the rest is used for industrial products such as fatty acids, soaps and biodiesel.


Seed Varieties
As soybeans are grown around the world under many different climatic conditions and have been grown for many centuries, there is wide range of soybean varieties.  Genetically modified (GM) soybeans varieties began to be commercially grown in 1996, and they quickly became predominant in the major soy producing countries.  Early GM soybeans were engineered to be herbicide resistant and were thus very popular with farmers.  More recent generations of GM soybeans have included traits that have benefits for oilseed processors and the consumer.

Today, the world’s top producers of soy are the United States, Brazil, Argentina, China and India, while Nigeria is the largest producer of soybean in sub-Saharan Africa, followed by South Africa.

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